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Your feelings of jealosy or envy? They're a gift.

No one ever likes to feel jealous or envious. Or at least I don't. For years, I would feel jealous or envious, and then layer feelings of guilt for feeling this way on top of it!

We feel jealous when we're afraid of losing something we have. We feel envious when we see someone else have something that we want to have. Two different but very similar - and very powerful - feelings.

In the last several years, I have learned that these two feelings are incredible gifts. Instead of feeling guilty about feeling this way, I have intentionally made a practice of pausing and getting curious... I've started asking myself why I feel envious of others - what is it about what they have, are doing, how they present, etc. that I myself desire.

When I decide to get curious instead of feeling guilty, I learn a lot about myself. And you will, too. Our hearts and souls' desires don't always communicate with us through logic and thought alone; sometimes, the only way we can learn about them is through the emotions we feel. Society teaches us that these two feelings: jealousy and envy, are bad, and that we shouldn't have these feelings. But these feelings are a natural part of the human experience.

So when you are able to let go of feelings of guilt and instead lean in with curiosity, you too will begin to learn a lot about what your heart and soul desire. But not only that, by seeing that someone else has what you desire you are also seeing that what you desire is possible. They are actually giving you a gift: they are helping you to expand your mind and vision for what is possible for you in your life.

“Let the Universe support you. Feel confident knowing that what others have is a reflection of what is on the way for you. Celebrate other people’s successes generously and sincerely!”

Gabrielle Bernstein, Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life beyond Your Wildest Dreams

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